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Presentations for Faculty

Recruiting Resources

presentation for facultyTeaching: The Best Kept Secret!

This page contains an interactive presentations  about the teaching profession that are designed to be shared with faculty and staff  or anyone who talks with students about careers. This slide deck has been through many iterations and has been shown to be very effective at changing faculty perceptions.

Audience/setting: Math and science faculty, admissions, career services, advising staff. Appropriate for either a virtual or face-to-face setting

Time: 15–90 minutes

Synopsis: This resource includes two types of  slide decks of varying length.  The first, Just the Facts, contains information about the teaching profession. The second, The Facts + How to Share GFO Resources, contains the same info as the Just the Facts decks plus slides about the different GFO Resources that are available for faculty to use while sharing the facts at their institution. All decks are highly interactive and designed to facilitate discussion with a group of faculty/staff who may talk with students about teaching as a career.


Use these materials in the context of a faculty meeting, staff meeting, or with teachers to get the facts out about grade 7-12 teaching and to encourage department members, teachers, recruiters, and advisors to speak positively and accurately about the teaching profession with students. Please check back often to make sure you have the latest version.

Teaching: The Best Kept Secret! Just the Facts

Version 3.0, Customizable Microsoft PowerPoint

A step-by-step guide about the presentation and tips on how to present effectively

Version 3.0, Customizable Microsoft PowerPoint. 15 minutes is effective, but not as effective as 50 minute version.

A step-by-step guide about the presentation and tips on how to present effectively

PDF form that can be saved for your records and/or submitted to GFO (1.3 MB)

*Presentations are continually being refined, the date is in the title for each file.

Teaching: The Best Kept Secret! The Facts + How to Share GFO Resources

A step-by-step guide about the presentation and tips on how to present effectively

A step-by-step guide about the presentation and tips on how to present effectively


Steps to doing a presentation:

  1. Register your presentation with us to receive:
    • Survey data on your presentation (results on pre/post survey, plus participant feedback).
    • Tips and support on running your workshop, if desired.
  2. Find local Teacher Salary Data (or ask the GFO Research Team to mine your data below) and modify the presentation.
  3. Look through the presentation. There are notes under each slide with explanations and suggestions.
  4. Review how to credit GFO when modifying or using these resources.
  5. Register your activities if you have not already done so.
  6. Go Get the Facts Out!

Pre/Post Quiz Data and Analysis

Important note: 
Giving both the pre quiz and the post quiz increases the audience learning and retention. The pre quiz provides a roadmap of what will be learned, some motivation to figure out the answers, and with 1. pre, 2. content, 3. post there are three reinforcements of these facts.

When thinking about how the brain works, this helps your audience focus on the ideas you’ll be discussing and it sparks their curiosity. Also it engages them and helps them cleanse their brain of what ever possessed it when they walked in the door. Finally, it helps you see how things went afterwards. We always joke that, “We’re starting by giving you a quiz. This will help you get some idea of the facts I’ll be sharing with you today and after the presentation, you should have the answers to these questions.”


Due to a temporary lapse in NSF funding, we do not have the necessary resources to process the pre/post responses and data at this time that are submitted to the current survey links/QR codes in the slide decks above. You can create your own pre/post quiz in Survey Monkey or with a Google Form. Here are the questions that are used.  

Once you have given and registered your presentation, you can start analyzing the results. Here is the template used for the analysis and a step-by-step video of the process.

Teacher Salary Data Request

You may request Teacher Salary Data from the GFO Research Team team.  Data mining salaries and creating an infographic takes about a half of a day of effort, we appreciate your patience. Priority is given to Registered Champions. 

Key Features of an Effective Interactive Presentation

Presentation type 1: Just the Facts


  • 15 – 60 minutes

What are the intended outcomes of this workshop?

  • The audience will have positive attitudes toward teaching as a profession.
  • The audience will engage in ideas about teaching as a profession after the workshop (e.g., by reflecting, sharing, engaging in conversation).

What should a workshop look like?

  • The key message of Get the Facts Out is emphasized: Teachers in the U.S. rate their lives better than all other occupation groups, trailing only physicians.
  • Time is provided for the active processing of data about teaching as a profession before and during the discussion.
  • Time is provided for peer discussion.
  • Participants are provided with an opportunity to review locally-relevant data about teaching as a profession:
    • For local audiences: Information on teacher salaries and retirement have been updated with local data.
    • For national audiences: Time is provided for the audience to identify local data.

What should you do as a presenter?

  • Share the positive aspects of teaching as a profession that are supported by data.
  • Avoid voicing misperceptions about teaching as a profession.
  • If participants express misperceptions about teaching as a profession, provide fact-based corrections.
  • Avoid providing airtime for anecdotal aspects of teaching as a profession (which are often negative and not supported by data).
  • Facilitate participant discussion.