Teacher Loan Forgiveness, Grants, and Scholarships
Teacher loan forgiveness, scholarships, and grants are often available for prospective STEM teachers to help pay for college or certification. We have compiled a list of programs (alphabetical by state), and are updating it regularly.
National programs are listed at the end.
Please let us know of any suggested changes, corrections, or additions to this list when you come across new information about statewide loan forgiveness, grants, or scholarship programs for teachers: Just email the author at: drew.isola@gmail.com
Teacher Retirement by State data on loan forgiveness and scholarships in pptx slide format can be found on our map of Teacher State Specific Benefits page.
Alabama, as of 7/21/23
Alabama Math and Science Teacher Education Program (AMSTEP)
AMSTEP is available for teachers who graduated in the spring term of 2018 and forward from that date. AMSTEP has a two-fold mission: to encourage individuals to enroll in and complete programs leading to Alabama certification in mathematics or science; and to improve the educational system in Alabama by encouraging those who complete the program to accept math or science teaching positions in Alabama public schools, preferably in public school systems where the shortage of math or science teachers, or both, is most acute. Recipients are eligible for $5,000 per year for the base program. In order to receive a supplement pursuant to this act, a recipient shall also teach math or science, or both, in a geographic area within the state with an acute teacher shortage in math or science, or both. The supplement is an additional $2,500 per year.
Teacher Excellence and Accountability for Mathematics and Science (TEAMS)
Starting in the 2021-2022 school year, well-trained and educated (advanced degree or NBTPS certified) middle and high school math and science teachers could earn up to $15,000 in additional pay each year. Additionally, an annual supplement of $5,000 will be paid to those teaching in Alabama Department of Education-identified hard-to-staff schools. More details can be found here
(Open to graduating seniors from any Montgomery County high school)
Designed to provide financial aid to deserving individuals who have the desire to become teachers who relate well with young people and who can benefit from the financial assistance it offers. Applicants may be entering or continuing college, individuals who are in education and want to upgrade their skills, or working individuals who wish to return to college to become teachers. Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA. Applicants may be interviewed by the selection committee.
Alaska, as of 7/21/23
There are many affordable pathways to a teaching career in Alaska, from scholarships, to student loan forgiveness programs. Check out the useful info at Teach Alaska.
PITAAS: Preparing Indigenous Teachers & Administrators for Alaska Schools
Here is one more great resource for teaching in Alaska
Arizona, as of 7/21/23
Arizona Teacher Student Loan Program
The Arizona Teacher Student Loan Program is a need-based, forgivable loan designed to financially support and encourage private college students who are Arizona residents to become teachers in an Arizona public school.
Program loans cover tuition, fees and instructional materials for:
- A maximum of two academic years or four semesters for students in an alternative teaching certification program.
- A maximum of four academic years or eight semesters for undergraduate university students.
- A maximum of two academic years or four semesters for graduate university students who do not have an undergraduate teaching degree.
To qualify students must be admitted and enrolled as an undergraduate, graduate or postbaccalaureate student at one of 6 qualifying private postsecondary institutions.
Arizona Teachers Academy
The Arizona Teachers Academy (ATA) is a program to help pay for tuition and fees for those students in a state university or community college Educator Preparation Program (EPP). The scholarship covers tuition and mandatory fees after a student has accepted all other non-loan aid such as institutional scholarships, federal Pell grants, and other private scholarships. To receive the ATA scholarship, you must commit to one year of teaching in an Arizona public school for each year you receive the scholarship.
You are eligible to be considered for the Arizona Teachers Academy scholarship if you:
- Are an Arizona resident
- Have submitted a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Are admitted to a program that leads to initial teacher certification
Arizona Teachers Academy (ATA) now offers assistance for Dual Enrollment Credential
Interested in becoming Dual Enrollment credentialed? Check out this new opportunity to grow the dual enrollment instructor pipeline. ASU and NAU recently developed their websites and launched their programs that allow high school teachers access to the Arizona Teachers Academy scholarships to become (or maintain) dual enrollment credentialed.
Professional Development Scholarships for Teachers
The Arizona Department of Education wants to help teachers “Get SET for STEM!” Our Scholarships for Effective Teachers program offers Arizona educators $2,000 per year for up to three years to pursue coursework or programs that will:
1. Prepare them to add a STEM area (calculus, physics, biology, etc.) or CTE Certificate, and
2. Bolster their STEM teaching knowledge & skills
Arkansas, as of 7/21/23
Arkansas State Teacher Education Program
The State Teacher Education Program (STEP) provides assistance for eligible teachers with repayment of outstanding federal student loans. STEP recipients may receive loan repayment for federal student loans in the amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000) per year for each year a licensed teacher teaches in a public school located in a geographical area of the state designated as having a critical shortage of teachers OR in a subject matter area designated as having a critical shortage of teachers. Recipients may also be eligible for additional loan repayment for federal student loans in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per year for each year a licensed minority teacher teaches in a public school located in a geographical area of the state designated as having a critical shortage of teachers and/or in a subject matter area designated as having a critical shortage of teachers in Arkansas. Total term of federal student loan repayment shall not exceed three years.
The Teacher Opportunity Program (TOP) offers tuition reimbursement grants to Arkansas teachers and administrators. Teachers and administrators may apply for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses paid for up to six (6) college credit hours completed for each academic year, not to exceed $3000.
Minority Teachers Scholars Program
The purpose of the Minority Teacher Scholars Program is to provide scholarships to assist and encourage African-American, Hispanic, Asian- American and Native American Arkansans to enter and complete programs leading to certification as public school teachers.
California, as of 7/22/23
Middle-Class Scholarship
The Middle-Class Scholarship is for undergraduates and students pursuing a teaching credential with family asset and income limitations. Students must be a California resident and meet other qualifications and may receive the MCS award for up to 4 years, depending on education level when awarded.
Golden State Teacher Grant Program
The Golden State Teacher Grant program (GSTG) is for students who are currently enrolled in a teacher preparation program to earn a credential in a high need field and commit to teaching at a priority school, in California for four years, within five years after completing a teacher preparation program. GSTG awards of up to $20,000 are available to eligible, currently enrolled students in California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) approved teacher preparation programs
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Program
The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Program encourages Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students to become educators, school nurses, school counselors or school therapists and to promote professional growth for BIPOC teachers and Education Support Professionals (ESP) members. The award amount is up to $6,000.
Colorado, as of 7/21/23
Colorado Educator Loan Forgiveness Program
Qualified educators who receive loan forgiveness are eligible for $5,000 each year for up to five years if they remain in qualifying positions, for a possible total loan forgiveness of $25,000
Stipends for Rural Educators
The Colorado Center for Rural Education provides a variety of stipends to student teachers and in-service educators working in rural Colorado.
Educator Recruitment and Retention Program
This stipend is available to individuals who are enrolled in an alternative licensure program and working in a rural school district. The Rural Alternative Licensure Stipend (RALS) provides recipients with up to $6,000 to pay for a variety of program-related costs.
More about the Educator Recruitment and Retention Program
This stipend is available to pre-service teachers who will be completing their final student teaching experience in a rural school district and commit to teaching in a rural district after completion. The value of the stipend is up to $4,000 for the semester of student teaching.
More about the Colorado Rural Student Teaching Stipend
The Fellowship is available to pre-service teacher candidates who complete a year-long clinical experience in a rural school during the final year of their teacher preparation program. Candidates who are selected for this fellowship, Rural Teaching Fellows, receive $5000 from their institute of higher education and $5000 from the Colorado Department of Higher Education as part of their financial aid package during their final year of licensure preparation.
More about the Colorado Rural Teaching Fellowship
Rural Inservice Educator Stipend
This stipend is available to in-service educators in rural Colorado school districts who want to teach concurrent enrollment courses, add an additional endorsement, or fulfill a local faculty need. The Rural Inservice Educator Stipend provides recipients with up to $6,000 to offset costs associated with a qualifying program provided by one of Colorado’s institutions of higher education.
More about the Concurrent Enrollment Education Qualification Stipend
This stipend is available to in-service educators in rural Colorado school districts who want to become National Board Certified Teachers. All NBCT stipend recipients will receive support and mentorship from NBCT facilitators in a Colorado Rural National Board cohort. The value of the stipend is $4,250.00, which is the amount needed to enroll with the National Board, register for each of the four components of the NB portfolio, and participate in the Rural National Board Cohort.
More about the National Board Certified Teacher Stipend
Connecticut, as of 7/24/23
Teacher Mortgage Assistance Program. CHFA is proud to offer an additional 0.125% off already below-market interest rate loans to help Teachers become homeowners in the communities where they work. You must be a first-time homebuyer or have not owned a home in the past three years. The home must be your primary residence. Investment or vacation properties are not allowed. CHFA will increase the rate reduction to 0.250% to help Recruit and Retain (*R&R) minority Teachers who meet the eligibility criteria.
Minority Teacher Incentive Program
Awards grants of up to $5,000 per year for minority college students in their junior and senior years in Connecticut undergraduate teacher preparation programs. Those program participants who become teachers at Connecticut public schools are also eligible for loan reimbursement grants of up to $2,500 a year for up to four years.
TEACH Scholarship
You could receive $1,000 from TEACH Connecticut to help pay for your teacher preparation program. After you apply to a partner teacher prep program, just fill out our simple form. If you win, you’ll receive the funds once you’ve enrolled in the program
Future STEM Teacher Scholarship
Future teachers with a bachelor’s degree who are pursuing certification in a math, science or technology subject could get up to 50% of their tuition paid
Glenn Moon Scholarship
The Association of Retired Teachers of Connecticut offers two scholarships: A four-year scholarship of $2,000 a year. The four-year scholarship winner must continue teacher preparation training for all 4 years. A one-year scholarship of $2,000 for freshman year. Any Connecticut resident who will be a 2023 graduate of a secondary school in Connecticut is eligible to apply, provided he/she is committed to entering the field of education.
Weisman Teacher Scholarship
The awarded amount as well as the requirements of this scholarship are the same as the Connecticut Minority Teacher Incentive Grant. However, the Weisman Teacher Scholarship focuses on students who plan on teaching a science or math at the middle or high school level. The funds are provided by Fred and Joan Weisman. The following colleges participate in both the Weisman Teacher Scholarship and the Minority Teaching Incentive Grant:
- Central Connecticut State University
- Connecticut College
- Eastern Connecticut State University
- Fairfield University
- Quinnipiac University
- Sacred Heart University
- University of Saint Joseph
- Southern Connecticut State University
- University of Connecticut
- University of Hartford
- Western Connecticut State University
- Yale University
Delaware, as of 7/22/23
Educator Loan Payment Program
Under this program, educators who work in certification areas in which Delaware has a shortage and educators working in Delaware’s highest need schools are eligible for student loan repayments. You are eligible if you have a qualified student loan and you teach in a high needs school and/or a high needs subject area. Educators are eligible for between $1,000 and $2,000 of student loan repayments annually, for up to five years.
Critical Need Reimbursement Program
This program provides financial assistance to full-time employees of a Delaware school district or charter school who teach on an Emergency or Limited Standard Certificate in a critical need area as defined by the Delaware Department of Education. Districts may reimburse teachers for all or part of tuition and registration fees paid for up to three credits/term (fall and spring) of coursework that will enable them to achieve Standard Certification. Delaware residency is not required, but applicants must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
Educator Support Scholarship
Scholarship for full-time graduate or undergraduate students attending a Delaware public or private college who intend to pursue a career in education (in a classroom or as a specialist) in specific certifications identified as areas of need in Delaware schools. Award amount is $5,000 per year.
Christopher K. Smith Memorial Future Teacher Scholarship
The scholarship offers $1,000 per year, for four years, to a graduate of a Delaware public high school. They must major in education and maintain a 3.0 grade point average. While not a requirement, graduates are encouraged to teach in a Delaware public school.
Florida, as of 7/22/23
Minority Teacher Education Scholars Program
The Minority Teacher Education Scholarship (MTES) is offered to more than 40 institutions throughout the state of Florida. All of these institutions have State-Approved Educator Preparation Programs. Recipients must: Maintain full-time enrollment of at least 12 credit hours for undergraduates, and 9 credit hours for graduate students, maintain an overall and semester GPA of at least 2.50, attend the annual symposium, and teach in a Florida public school for a time equivalent to the number of years funding was received
Georgia, as of 7/22/23
Georgia Association of Education Scholarships
The GAE Foundation provides scholarships and grants (listed below) each year to future teachers, Georgia certified educators, and educational support professionals who are either embarking on a career in education, who are continuing their professional growth, or who are creating innovative classroom programs.
Certified Educators Scholarship: Advanced Degree
Best Practice Grant
College Junior/Senior Scholarship for Future Teachers
High School Senior Scholarship for Future Teachers
National Board Certification Scholarship
Hawaii, as of 7/22/23
HEA Student Teacher Scholarship
Two scholarships of $2,000 each will be awarded to two student teachers intending to teach in the Hawaii State Department of Education who are enrolled in a State Approved Teacher Education Program as a full-time undergraduate or post baccalaureate candidate in any state-approved or nationally accredited institution of higher learning or enrolled in a Hawaii SATE alternative licensure program. Scholarships are awarded to student teachers to minimize the need for employment during the student teaching semester
HEA Hiroshi & Barbara Kim Yamashita Undergraduate Scholarship
This scholarship has been established for an education major, intending to teach in a Hawai‘i public school, elementary or secondary level. One $2,000 scholarship is being offered to full-time undergraduate students currently attending an accredited institution of higher learning. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.2 or better. A payment of $1,000 will be sent each semester to the credit of the recipient at the institution enrolled.
University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Education Common Scholarships
Scholarship applications are accepted once per year. The COE administers approximately $350,000 of scholarship funds exclusively for students currently enrolled, or in the process of applying to, the COE. Typically the award amount ranges between $500 and $2,000 per student for the academic year.
Idaho, as of 7/26/23
Rural and Underserved Educator Incentive Program
The Rural and Underserved Educator Incentive Program is for educators teaching in a rural and/or underserved school district or public charter school. The program will provide for the direct repayment of educational loans or the reimbursement of eligible educational expenses such as additional degrees, advanced degrees, career technical certifications, or other educational expenses for up to 4 years up to a total of $12,000
Illinois, as of 7/22/23
Illinois Teachers Loan Repayment program
The Illinois Teachers Loan Repayment Program provides awards to encourage academically talented Illinois students to teach in Illinois schools in low-income areas. A listing of Illinois schools in low-income areas is provided at the U.S. Department of Education’s Teacher Cancellation Low Income Directory. If these obligations are met by a Federal Stafford loan borrower who has qualified for the federal government’s loan forgiveness programs, Illinois may provide an additional matching award of up to $5000 to the qualifying teacher to repay their student loan debt.
Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship Program
If: 1) you plan to teach at a nonprofit Illinois public, private, or parochial school, for which the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has determined that no less than 30 percent of the enrolled students are African American/Black, Hispanic American, Asian American, or Native American; and 2) you are of African American/Black, Hispanic American, Asian American or Native American origin, then you may qualify for up to $5,000 per year as part of the Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program. Funds from this program may be used to pay for tuition, fees and room and board, or commuter allowances. Renewable for up to four years.
Illinois Future Teacher Corps Program and DeBolt Teacher Shortage Scholarship Program
If you are a recipient of both the DeBolt Teacher Shortage Scholarship (DTSS) and the IFTC program, you must fulfill the requirements of the IFTC program.
If you are a recipient of the IFTC program, you must teach for a period of not less than five years on a full-time basis at a nonprofit Illinois public, private or parochial preschool or an Illinois public elementary or secondary school. You must begin teaching within the one year following your termination from the program of study funded by the scholarship, and continue until the obligation is fulfilled.
If you are solely a DTSS recipient, you must teach one year on a full-time basis in a designated teacher shortage discipline for each academic year, or a portion of the academic year, for which you received the DTSS award. This teaching obligation must be fulfilled at an Illinois public, private or parochial preschool, elementary or secondary school. You must fulfill the teaching obligation within five years following your termination from the program of study funded by the scholarship.
Illinois Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver Program
If you are a teacher or an academically talented student pursuing a career in special education, you may be eligible for the Illinois Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver Program if you teach at one of the following Illinois schools that has been approved by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE): a nonprofit public, private or parochial preschool, elementary school, or secondary school.
Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program
The Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois program is a teacher preparation and tuition assistance program for high school seniors and freshman and sophomore Illinois college students who have the determination and drive to be highly effective teachers in Illinois schools-of-need. We prepare aspiring teachers for immediate and lasting success in the most challenging teaching environments. Scholars Receive up to $23,000 in total financial assistance for college, extensive classroom teaching experience, academic and social-emotional support, job placement assistance, and mentoring from our award-winning teaching faculty.
Indiana, as of 7/24/23
Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship
The Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship provides 200 high-achieving high school and college students interested in pursuing a career in education the opportunity to earn a renewable scholarship of up to $10,000 each year for four academic years. In exchange, students agree to teach for five years at an eligible Indiana school or repay the corresponding, prorated amount of the scholarship.
Government stipends (see below)
Earline S. Rogers Student Teaching Stipend for Minorities
The Earline S. Rogers Teaching Stipend for Minorities is available for minority students (defined as Black and Hispanic individuals) who will participate in student teaching or a school administration internship as a part of their degree requirements during the semester in which they receive it. Students must agree in writing to apply for teaching positions in Indiana and, if hired, teach in Indiana for at least three years.
Student Teaching Stipend for High-Need Fields
The Student Teaching Stipend for High-Need Fields is available for students who plan to teach in a high-need field (defined as middle or high school level math, science or special education). Students are eligible to receive the stipend in the term they are student teaching as a part of their degree requirements. Students must agree in writing to apply for teaching positions in Indiana and, if hired, teach in Indiana for at least three years.
William A. Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarship
The William A. Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarship is available to minority students (defined as Black and Hispanic individuals) who intend to pursue, or are currently pursuing, a course of study that would enable them to teach in an accredited school in Indiana. Students must agree in writing to apply for teaching positions in Indiana and, if hired, teach in Indiana for at least three years.
This scholarship is open to a public high school senior pursuing a degree in education. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded for a total of four years if the student maintains a 3.0 GPA enrolled in an education curriculum at an accredited college or university in Indiana. Applicants for the need-based scholarship must also meet the income criteria of at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty line. Criteria for selection includes academic achievement, leadership in co-curricular activities and community involvement, submission of an essay and recommendations and financial need. A seven-semester transcript is required to complete the application process.
This scholarship is open to a minority public high school senior who plans to pursue a teaching certificate. The scholarship was named for Damon P. Moore, an African-American educator, who served three terms as ISTA president and continues to be a positive role model for young minorities aspiring to enter the education field. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually with an option to renew for three consecutive years. Criteria for selection includes academic achievement, leadership in co-curricular activities and community involvement and submission of an essay and recommendations. A seven-semester transcript is required to complete the application process.
Indiana Retired Teachers Association Foundation Scholarship
Each year, IRTAF awards 10 scholarships (one in each area) to help promote our profession and assist college students who have a passion for the classroom. Scholarships are awarded to juniors or seniors in an Indiana college or university who are in a program leading to a degree in education.
Iowa, as of 7/22/23
Teach Iowa Scholar Program
The Teach Iowa Scholar (TIS) Program provides qualified Iowa teachers with awards of up to $4,000 a year, for a maximum of five years, for teaching in Iowa schools in designated shortage areas. Qualified teachers are those currently teaching in designated shortage areas who meet all of the eligibility criteria
ISEA Scholarship Fund for Future Teachers
The ISEA offers scholarships to help sons or daughters of association members become teachers. Applicants must be a member of the NEA Student Program and have completed 60 semester hours (or equivalent) or they must be considered a junior at the college or university in which they are enrolled. A statement of enrollment in the teacher education program is also required. In addition, applicants must indicate by their transcript and a written statement their intent to become a teacher.
The ISEA is committed to recruiting, placing, and retaining profession-ready teachers and supporting efforts to address shortage and lack of diversity. It is important to focus on the entire teaching continuum, starting with potential educators and teacher candidates. Increasing the number of BIPOC educators requires intentional preparation, hiring, providing ongoing support and addressing college affordability. ISEA’s Kathy Williams Scholarship for BIPOC students helps address college affordability at the beginning of the program when a student needs it most. The scholarship will pay for BIPOC student membership in the NEA Aspiring Educators program. The scholarship will be available to a BIPOC student applicant once they are accepted into their respective college of education program.
Kansas, as of 7/22/23
Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship
The Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship is a merit-based service obligation scholarship program that provides financial assistance to both students pursuing bachelor’s degree programs and currently licensed teachers pursuing an endorsement in hard-to-fill disciplines or master’s degrees in hard-to-fill disciplines or either group planning to teach in an underserved geographic area. Recipients sign agreements to teach one year for each year of scholarship support in Kansas. Recipients are eligible to receive this scholarship for up to ten semesters, which includes both undergraduate and graduate work.
Kentucky, as of 7/24/23
KHEAA Teacher Scholarship Program
The Teacher Scholarship Program provides financial aid to Kentucky students pursuing initial teacher certification at participating Kentucky colleges. Students may receive up to $2500 per semester. The service commitment is to Complete teacher education program and provide one semester of qualified teaching service at a school certified by the Kentucky Board of Education for every semester of scholarship receipt.
Louisiana, as of 7/24/23
Louisiana Geaux Teach Scholarship Program
The Geaux Teach scholarship program was established to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in teacher preparation programs or alternate certification programs approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) at postsecondary education institutions within the state. The maximum annual award is $5,000.
Maine, as of 7/24/23
Educators for Maine Program
The Educators for Maine Program is a competitive, merit-based, forgivable loan for current Maine students pursuing careers in education or child care and planning to work in Maine after graduation. For undergraduate students, the loan amount is $5,000. For graduate students, the loan amount is $4,000. Renewable up to 8 full-time semesters undergraduate and 4 full-time equivalent semesters graduate.
Educational Opportunity Tax Credit
https://www.maine.gov/revenue/taxes/tax-relief-credits-programs/income-tax-credits/educational-opportunity-tax-credit The credit for educational opportunity provides an income tax credit for Maine resident taxpayers who are qualifying graduates (and employers of qualifying graduates) and who make eligible education loan payments on loans obtained to earn:
- An associate or bachelor’s degree from an accredited Maine college or university after 2007 and before 2016; or
- An associate or bachelor’s degree from an accredited Maine or non-Maine college or university after 2015; or,
- A graduate degree from an accredited Maine college or university after 2015.
Eligible graduates must live, work, and pay taxes in Maine. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2013, the credit allowed to a program participant is refundable if the program participant obtains an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM degree). ***This applies to Secondary Education and Teaching: STEM Concentrations ONLY if the degree is awarded on or after January 1, 2020.**
Maryland, as of 7/24/23
Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program (LARP) and The Nancy Grasmick Teacher Award
Applicants must have earned a degree from a college in Maryland, or a resident teacher certificate from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Science and Math teachers are eligible. Both are loan repayment assistance.
Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant Program
The Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant (WSSAG) program is for students who plan on working in specific career/occupational programs upon graduation. Eligible fields include: child care, human services, teaching, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, social work, and public service. Sharon Christa McAuliffe Scholarship (Education): Approved teacher education program leading to certification in a critical shortage field, which includes: Chemistry (grades 7-12);Chinese (grades 7-12); computer science (7-12); earth/space science (7-12); ESOL (preK-12); Family and Consumer Sciences (7-12); mathematics (7-12); physical science (7-12); physics (7-12); Spanish (7-12); special education, and technology education. Recipients must become certified teachers in Maryland in the certification area in which they applied and were awarded and then be employed in a Maryland public or private elementary or secondary school as a full-time classroom teacher in that area. The award is $2,000 per year if attending a Maryland community college full-time or $1,000 per year if part-time. The award is $4,000 per year if attending a Maryland four-year institution full-time or $2,000 per year if part-time.
Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship
The Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship is awarded to students who pledge to work as public school or public prekindergarten teachers in Maryland upon completion of their studies at schools that have at least 50% of the students in the school eligible for free or reduced price meals (FRPM). For a recipient who receives a scholarship as an undergraduate student, the service obligation is 1 year for each year that the recipient receives a scholarship. For a student who receives a scholarship as a graduate student, the service obligation is 2 years for each year that the recipient receives a scholarship.
Massachusetts, as of 7/24/23
Incentive Program for Aspiring Teachers Tuition Waiver
The Incentive Program for Aspiring Teachers Tuition Waiver is designed to complement the Tomorrow’s Teachers Scholarship Program. It seeks to attract qualified high school students to the teaching profession by providing four-year tuition and fees scholarships. The incentive provides support to qualified students who, after enrolling in college and earning a minimum 3.0 grade point average, decide to enter a certification program in a field with demonstrated teacher shortages. Students who participate in the program must commit to teaching for two years in a public school in the Commonwealth upon successful completion of a bachelor’s degree from the college or university. Students eligible for the Incentive Program for Aspiring Teachers will be entitled to a tuition waiver equal to the resident tuition rate at the state college or participating university campus at which they are enrolled for two years.
Massachusetts High Demand Scholarship Program
The Massachusetts High Demand Scholarship Program was created to encourage degree completion in high demand disciplines that will help address the workforce needs of the Commonwealth by providing scholarship assistance to support the educational costs of students pursuing such programs of study. The application is be open to students at Massachusetts public institutions who are pursuing a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) or Health Professions degree. Check with your institution to see if your major field of study qualifies.
Check the MA Office of Student Financial Assistance webpage for the latest updates on scholarships and grants available in Massachusetts
GFWC Education – Teaching Scholarship
Applicant must be a senior in a Massachusetts high school or home schooled and has achieved the standards for graduation set by the town of residence. Applicant will enroll in a four-year accredited college or university in a teacher-training program that leads to certification to teach. (GFWC scholarships page link: https://www.gfwcma.org/scholarships.html)
Michigan, as of 7/24/23
MI Future Educator Fellowship
The MI Future Educator Fellowship offers $10,000 scholarships to up to 2,500 future educators every year. Check out the Frequently Asked Questions.
MI Future Educator Stipend
The MI Future Educator Stipend is a $9,600 stipend per semester to support Michigan’s hardworking student teachers as they continue their journey to being in the classroom full-time. Check out the Frequently Asked Questions.
AFT Michigan Rollie Hopgood Future Teachers Scholarship
This scholarship is named in honor of our late state federation president, Rollie Hopgood, to continue his goal of promoting and enhancing the teaching profession. There are three scholarships:
- Graduating Senior Scholarship for seniors graduating from a high school represented by an AFT Michigan local who have the goal of becoming a teacher;
- AFT Michigan PSRP Scholarship for dues paying members enrolled (full- or part-time) in a teacher certification program at a college or university;
- AFT Michigan Member Scholarship for the son(s) and/or daughter(s) of dues paying members who is a graduating senior with the goal of becoming a teacher
Minnesota, as of 7/24/23
Minnesota Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Program
The Minnesota Teacher Shortage Student Loan Repayment Program was established to provide student loan repayment assistance to teachers providing classroom instruction in a teacher shortage area in Minnesota. In general, applicants must currently: Hold a teaching license issued by the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board, be employed by a school district to provide classroom instruction, have outstanding qualified educational loan debt; and teach in a license field shortage area, teach in a rural school district, or belong to a racial or ethnic group underrepresented in the Minnesota teacher workforce.
Minnesota Student-Teacher Grants
The Minnesota Student-Teacher Grants provides postsecondary financial assistance to eligible students enrolled in Minnesota teacher preparation programs during one term in which the student is completing a required 12-week or more student teaching experience. On a funds-available basis, selected undergraduate and graduate students may receive awards of up to $7,500 for one term. There are two grants available based on eligibility:
The Minnesota Student Teachers in Shortage Areas Grant (Formerly Teacher Candidate Grant) provides postsecondary financial assistance to eligible students who intend to teach in a license shortage area or rural school district after graduating and receiving their teaching license.
The Minnesota Underrepresented Student-Teacher Grant provides postsecondary financial assistance to eligible students who belong to a racial or ethnic group underrepresented in the Minnesota teacher workforce.
Minnesota Indian Teacher Training Program
The Minnesota Indian Teacher Training Program (MITTP) provides scholarships to American Indian students who are pursuing any pre-K through grade 12 career in an educational setting. This program is currently offered at six universities and colleges and is a partnership between post-secondary institutions and school districts. Applicants must be accepted into or currently attending one of the following participating, postsecondary institutions: Augsburg University, Bemidji State University, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, Moorhead State University, St. Cloud State University, or University of Minnesota, Duluth.
Mississippi, as of 7/24/23
The Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program (METP)
The Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program (METP) is a collaboration between the Ole Miss and Mississippi State to attract top-performing students to an innovative new teacher education program using one of the most valuable scholarships ever offered in the state.
Our goal is to train new secondary English, mathematics, and science – as well as elementary and special education – teachers for Mississippi. Each METP fellow makes a five-year commitment to teach at a Mississippi public school after graduation. Our scholarship includes tuition, books and fees for up to four years plus other stipends.
Mississippi Critical Shortage Area Incentives
This incentive attracts qualified teachers to those geographical areas of the state and subject area shortage school districts as designated by the State Board of Education (Subject areas of Math, SPED, Science and Foreign Languages). There is a moving reimbursement of up to $1,000. Requires district approval.
Note: Contact the local school district office and the MDE Office of School Financial Services: 601-359-3294
Winter-Reed Teacher Loan Repayment
The Winter-Reed Teacher Loan Repayment Program (WRTR) is designed to help new teachers repay their undergraduate student loans. Only first-year teachers holding a valid standard five-year Mississippi educator’s license are eligible to apply as new recipients. Second-year and third-year teachers are eligible to apply as renewal recipients. Recipients can receive between $1,500-$6,000 annually. Priority will be given to teachers in geographical shortage areas.
Missouri, as of 7/24/23
Cochran Education Major Scholarship
To encourage people to become teachers, former Executive director Peggy Cochran and late husband Paul created a $500 scholarship in support of one of these individuals each year. Applicants must currently be in their freshman, sophomore, or junior year at a Missouri college or university. Applicants must be a member of Missouri NEA Aspiring Educators currently enrolled in a Missouri teacher education program and pursuing a career in teaching. Funds are for undergraduate work.
TEACH Missouri Scholarships
TEACH Missouri offers several non-renewable $1,000 scholarships to aspiring educators.
Montana, as of 7/24/23
Quality Educator Loan Forgiveness Program
The Quality Educator Loan Assistance Program provides state paid loan assistance for up to four years for newly hired quality educators who meet the following criteria: Teach or work in a subject that has been identified as a “critical quality educator shortage area”, and teach or work at an “impacted school.” The assistance continues for up to four years so long as the educator remains a full-time employee at an impacted school.
MREA Rural Educator Fellows Scholarship Program
Student teacher candidates will be matched with MREA member schools that may have a teaching position opening in the next school year in the area the student teacher hopes to teach in. Application requirements include a letter of interest, unofficial transcript, and interview. Scholarship is at least $1,500.
Nebraska, as of 7/24/23
Attracting Excellence to Teaching Program
The Attracting Excellence to Teaching Program (AETP) provides forgivable loans to eligible students who are enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate teacher education program at an eligible Nebraska institution working towards his/her initial certificate to teach in Nebraska.
Eligible students may apply, on an annual basis, for an AETP loan in an amount of $3,000 and can apply for, and receive, AETP loans annually for up to five (5) consecutive years. In return for receiving an AETP loan, the student agrees to complete the teacher education program that s/he is currently enrolled in and commits to becoming certified and to teach full-time in an accredited or approved public or private school in Nebraska. If the student meets the loan forgiveness obligations, loans will be forgiven, beginning after the first two years of full-time teaching, in an amount up to $3,000 for each year of teaching or in an amount up to $6,000 for each year of teaching if the student teaches in a school district that has been classified as very sparse or in a school building in which at least 40% of the students qualify for the poverty factor.
Enhancing Excellence in Teaching Program
The Enhancing Excellence in Teaching Program (EETP) provides forgivable loans to Nebraska teachers enrolled in an eligible graduate program at an eligible Nebraska institution.
An applicant must meet the following criteria to be considered for EETP funds:
- Be a certificated teacher employed at least half-time to teach in an approved or accredited PK-12 school in Nebraska;
- Be enrolled at an eligible Nebraska institution in an eligible graduate program (a program of study leading to a graduate degree or a graduate course of study leading to an added endorsement in a shortage area);
- Be a resident Nebraska student;
- Agree to complete the degree or endorsement program on which eligibility for EETP funds was based; and
- Commit to teach full-time in an accredited or approved public or private PK-12 school in Nebraska upon successful completion of the eligible graduate program for a time-period equal to the number of years required for loan forgiveness.
Nevada, as of 7/24/23
Teach Nevada Scholarships (TNVS)
Teach Nevada Scholarships are available to candidates who wish to pursue a Nevada teaching career.TNVS are worth up to a maximum of $24,000 per scholarship. Students who are awarded scholarships by their teacher preparation program will receive 75% of the scholarship for reimbursement of tuition, books, and fees. 25% of the scholarship is retained by NDE and disbursed to the student after five consecutive years of successful teaching in a Nevada public school as well as meeting all other State Board of Education (SBE) regulations. All candidates who are awarded a scholarship must agree to complete the requirements to obtain an endorsement to teach English as a Second Language or an endorsement to teach Special Education.
Kenny C. Guinn Memorial Scholarship 2021
This additional scholarship is $5,000 given to four qualified Governor Guinn Millennium Scholars each year, two in northern Nevada and two in southern Nevada, who are majoring in elementary or secondary education with the intent of teaching in Nevada.
New Hampshire, as of 7/24/23
David G. Kent NHTM Mathematics Education Major Scholarship
The New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics are pleased to offer a $1000 scholarship to a graduating high school senior. This scholarship is named in memory of David G. Kent, a long time NHTM executive board member and NH High School Mathematics Contest organizer. Eligible applicants will graduate from a New Hampshire high school or be a New Hampshire resident, has been accepted at a fully accredited college or university, and plans to enroll in the certification program for middle school or secondary mathematics education; or elementary education; or mathematics with the intent of becoming a mathematics teacher.
New Jersey, as of 7/24/23
New Jersey Teacher Loan Redemption Program
This program is designed for teachers in New Jersey who teach in high-need fields in eligible schools. Loan redemption under the program shall amount to 25% of principal and interest of a program participant’s eligible student loan expenses for up to four years. Redemptions shall not exceed $5,000, in return for each consecutive full school-year of approved employment service. The total loan redemption amount for four years of program participation shall not exceed $20,000.
New Mexico, as of 7/24/23
Grow Your Own Teachers program
The “Grow Your Own Teachers Act” seeks to provide opportunities for school employees to pursue careers in teaching in New Mexico by providing scholarship opportunities for school employees who may want to attend a public post-secondary educational institution in New Mexico to earn a bachelor’s degree in education. The program provides for professional leave and scholarship awards to qualified school employees. The scholarship is intended to help defray the educational expenses charged by the institution including tuition, fees, books and course supplies.
Teacher Preparation Affordability Scholarship Program
The purpose of the Act is to encourage eligible New Mexico students to attend and complete an accredited public education department approved teacher preparation program at a New Mexico public post-secondary educational institution or a tribal college by providing a scholarship opportunity. The scholarship is intended to help defray the educational expenses charged by the public post-secondary institution or tribal college including tuition, fees, books and course supplies and living expenses.
New York, as of 7/24/23
NYS Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program
The NYS Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program provides student loan forgiveness for the purpose of attracting and retaining teachers serving in hard to staff districts or who teach in subject shortage areas in New York State. Recipients can receive awards up to $5,000 per year for up to four years, not to exceed the total amount of the recipient’s student loan debt.
Masters-in-Education Teacher Incentive Scholarship Program
The Masters-in-Education Teacher Incentive Scholarship Program provides eligible students with a full-tuition scholarship for a master’s degree at a State University of New York or City University of New York college or university.
North Carolina, as of 7/25/23
North Carolina Teaching Fellows
Acceptance into the NC Teaching Fellows program provides the following benefits: study at one of eight select educator preparation programs, receive up to $4,125 per semester in financial aid, benefit from unique enrichment experiences at your chosen institution, enjoy the interact and network with the full state cohort of Teaching Fellows at statewide enrichment events, and profit from the potential opportunity to be supported by the New Teacher Support Program, which provides individualized coaching and professional development for beginning teachers. Must be committed to teaching in special education or a STEM field in a NC public school.
Dottie Martin Teachers Scholarship
Recent high school graduates are not eligible to apply for the scholarship. The applicant must be well-advanced in a teacher preparation program with an established career plan for teaching in North Carolina once education is completed. The award is $500.
Forgivable Education Loans for Service (FELS)
Established by the North Carolina General Assembly in 2011, the Forgivable Education Loans for Service provides financial assistance to qualified students enrolled in an approved education program and committed to working in critical employment shortage professions in North Carolina. The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority provides administration for the program.
North Dakota, as of 7/25/23
North Dakota United Foundation Scholarships
NDU Education Scholarship: Available to a student who is pursuing an undergraduate degree in education. Multiple individual $750 scholarships may be awarded each year.
Ron & Ann Anstrom Scholarship program to assist individual English, Math or Science Instructors: The purpose is to assist individual English, math or science instructors to improve their qualifications by attending summer school or engaging in graduate level courses during the regular academic year, online courses or extension courses that are part of a graduate program.
The NDU Foundation Ethnic Minority Scholarship will be awarded to a minority preparing to teach. At least two $750 scholarships will be awarded annually. The Foundation will give special consideration to a student attending a tribal college.
Cindy & Gary Rath Education Scholarship is available to a NDU student member or a North Dakota resident who is a student NEA/AFT member in another state who is pursuing an undergraduate degree in education. A preference will be given to a student attending Dickinson State University or Valley City State University. Multiple individual $500 scholarships may be awarded each year.
Horace Mann ND Agents Graduate Education Scholarship program has been established to assist individual NDU members improve their qualifications by attending summer school or engaging in graduate level course during the regular academic year, online courses or extension courses that are part of a graduate program.
Ohio, as of 7/25/23
Choose Ohio First Programs
The Ohio Department of Higher Education provides funding to Ohio’s colleges and universities to support students in innovative academic programs. Participating universities and colleges award scholarships to students desiring a certificate, associate degree, baccalaureate degree, or graduate degree in eligible STEM and STEM education fields.
Ohio Education Association ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship
The $4,000 ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship is presented each year to an Education Support Professional member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program in Ohio or a senior-level education student who has been formally accepted for graduate study in a master’s degree of education program at an accredited Ohio college or university. Applicants must be current members of the Ohio Education Association.
Oklahoma, as of 7/25/23
Oklahoma Teacher Shortage Employment Incentive Program
Reimburses eligible student loan expenses or pays an equivalent cash benefit to teachers trained in Oklahoma, have teaching certificates in math or science, and agree to teach in an Oklahoma public secondary school for at least five years.
Oklahoma Future Teachers Scholarship Program
The Future Teachers Scholarship Program was established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education as an incentive to encourage the preparation of teachers in critical shortage areas in the public schools of Oklahoma.
Oregon, as of 7/25/23
Oregon Teacher Scholars Program
The Oregon Teacher Scholar Program offers a scholarship of $10,000 per school year for ethnically diverse or Heritage Speakers of a language other than English. The program serves undergraduate students who are in the final two years of a teaching program and graduate students enrolled in a TSPC-approved educator preparation program in Oregon. Recipients of a scholarship from the Oregon Teacher Scholars Program may be eligible for a second year of funding ($10,000) depending on funding availability.
Applicant must be a graduate of a Medford, Oregon high school who will pursue a degree in teaching at a public or nonprofit college or university with the goal of becoming a classroom teacher. Preference to female students who demonstrate a strong work ethic and interest in community service. Apply at https://oregonstudentaid.gov/scholarships/
H. Margaret Kolouch Scholarship
The H. Margaret Kolouch scholarship is awarded to a first-generation college attendee. Career field: Accountant, actuary, engineer, math teacher or scientist. Colleges: Oregon public and nonprofit only. FAFSA: Recommended; financial need may or may not be considered. Apply at https://oregonstudentaid.gov/scholarships/
Teacher Education Scholarship
The Oregon PTA Teacher Education Scholarship is for Oregon residents who are studying for a teaching degree at an Oregon public college or university. The scholarship is a one- time award of $500 and is not renewable. Scholarship recipients may, however, re-apply in subsequent years
Pennsylvania, as of 7/25/23
Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship
The WW Teaching Fellowship seeks to attract talented, committed individuals with backgrounds in the STEM fields—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—into teaching in high-need secondary schools in Pennsylvania. The Teaching Fellowship includes admission to a master’s degree program at one of two well-established partner universities, teacher certification in science or mathematics education, extensive preparation for teaching in a high-need urban secondary school for one full year prior to becoming the teacher-of-record in a science or math classroom, and a $32,000 stipend during their first year while completing the master’s degree.
Lucy Valero Scholarship
The Lucy A. Valero Scholarship Fund, administered by PSEA, provides scholarships to outstanding Pennsylvania college and university students who are enrolled in accredited teacher preparation programs. The fund also provides a scholarship to a high school student who is a member of Future Educators Association. Applicants must be members in good standing of Student PSEA or Future Educators Association.
Rhode Island, as of 7/25/23
None at this time.
South Carolina, as of 7/25/23
SC Teacher Loan Programs & Forgiveness
SC Teachers Loan and Career Changers – We offer Teacher Loans to South Carolina residents who are interested in the teacher profession and Career Changers Loan for South Carolina residents interested in changing careers to become a teacher.
SC PACE Loan – We also offer loans to individuals who haven’t completed a traditional teacher education program but qualify to participate in an alternative pathway to professional educator certification, called the South Carolina Program of Alternative Certification for Educators (PACE). Our loans reimburse you for expenses with the PACE program. If you’re approved, a check is mailed directly to you.
SC Teacher Loan Forgiveness – Borrowers who received a Teachers Loan, Career Changer Loan, or a PACE Loan may be eligible to have portions of your loan indebtedness forgiven by teaching in certain critical geographic and/or subject areas in the SC public school system.
SC Teaching Fellows Program
The mission of the South Carolina Teaching Fellows Program is to recruit talented high school seniors into the teaching profession and to help them develop leadership qualities. Each year, the program provides fellowships to up to 200 high school seniors. Awards: Up to $6,000 yearly scholarship for four years, including $300 a year for summer enrichment.
South Dakota, as of 7/25/23
Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship
The purpose of the program is to encourage South Dakota’s high school graduates to obtain their postsecondary education in South Dakota for teaching, to remain in the state upon completion of their education, and to contribute to the state and its citizens by working in a critical need teaching area. Recipient must agree in writing to stay in South Dakota and work in a critical teaching need occupation for five years after graduating from a participating postsecondary institution.
SDEA Scholarships
Gordon Horgen Scholarship
The Association may annually award up to four $750 scholarships for each academic year. The scholarships are open to Native American high school seniors or college sophomores who are planning on going into the teaching profession.
Ramia Boersma Scholarship
The South Dakota Education Association/NEA awards scholarships to outstanding students who are planning on entering the teaching profession. The Association may annually award up to three $750 scholarships for each academic year.
Dakota Corps Scholarship Program
Applicants must attend a participating South Dakota college as an undergraduate student in a program that will prepare the student to work in a critical need occupation and agree, in writing, to stay in South Dakota and work in a critical need occupation after graduation for as many years as the scholarship was received, plus one year.
Tennessee, as of 7/24/23
The Minority Teaching Fellows Program is intended to encourage talented minority Tennesseans to enter the teaching field in Tennessee. The award is $5,000 per year for students who pursue a teacher certification at an eligible Tennessee college or university.
Tennessee Education Association Scholarship Fund
Student Tennessee Education Association (STEA)
- One $2,000 scholarship awarded to the president of the Student Tennessee Education Association (STEA)
- One $1,500 scholarship awarded to an STEA member
- Two $750 scholarships awarded to STEA members
- Application deadline: March 1
- Application must be made through the local STEA Chapter.
Sons and Daughters
- One $1,000 scholarship to a TEA member’s child who is a high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student planning to major in education
- Application deadline: March 1
- Application must be made by the TEA member parent of the applicant.
Future Teachers of America
- One $1,000 scholarship to a high school senior planning to major in education
- Application deadline: March 1
- Application must be made by an FTA Chapter affiliated with TEA.
Johnella Martin Memorial
- One $1,000 scholarship to a minority high school student planning to major in education
- Application deadline: March 1
- Application must be made by an FTA Chapter, if available, or by the student with the recommendation of an active TEA member.
Al Mance Memorial
- One $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a to a male ethnic minority undergraduate or graduate student who is enrolled in a Tennessee college or university and who is preparing to become a teacher.
- Application deadline: March 1
- Application must be made by a current Local Association.
- One $1,000 scholarship to a graduate student
- Application deadline: March 1
- Application must be made by a Local Association.
Texas, as of 7/25/23
Teach for Texas Loan Repayment Assistance Program
The purpose of the Teach for Texas Loan Repayment Assistance Program (TFTLRAP) is to recruit and retain certified classroom teachers in fields and communities that have a shortage of teachers in Texas. The maximum award amount is $2,500. To qualify for participation in this program, applicants must meet the following requirements: be certified in a critical shortage teaching field, be currently teaching full-time in that field at the time of application, and have taught in that field full-time for at least one year at the preschool, primary, or secondary level in a Texas public school.
The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers is designed to support promising students to consider a future in the teaching profession. Scholars receive up to $8,000-$10,000 in annual funding for up to four years, as well as ongoing professional development opportunities, mentorship from sitting public school educators, and participation in a statewide aspiring teachers network.
Tom Joyner Foundation Scholarship
Applicants should be interested in pursuing a teaching degree in STEM or Early Childhood education and have a GPA that aligns with Texas HBCUs criteria for admittance. This opportunity is open to all students regardless of race and residency status.
Beginning Teacher Scholarship
The Beginning Teacher Scholarship is intended to reimburse an applicant for certification tests and test results, and to provide money to help the applicant purchase materials for the classroom for his or her first year of teaching. The Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF) will award 20 $750 scholarships for the 2023-2024 school year to college seniors who are earning an undergraduate degree at a Texas university or college, or first-year public-school educators.
TEACH Scholarships
The TEACH for Houston, TEACH DFW, Future Black Teacher Scholarship, and Future Latinx Teacher Scholarship all offer $1,000 to future educators applying for one of the TEACH partner educator preparation programs.
Utah, as of 7/25/23
Terrel H. Bell Education Scholarship
The Terrel H. Bell Education Scholarship Program aims to recruit first-generation students into teaching, encourage outstanding students to work in high-need fields, and recognize teaching as a critically important career in Utah. The scholarship can be used at public or private higher education institutions in Utah that offer approved programs. T.H. Bell Scholarships may be for up to the cost of resident tuition, fees, and books, and may be received for up to four consecutive years.
- Eligibility Requirements:
- Declare an intention to earn a degree in an approved program
- Commit to teaching in a Utah public school after graduation
- Complete a FAFSA
- Priority for awards is given to first-generation students and those who intend to teach in a high-need area in the state
Vermont, as of 7/25/23
Alicia Shanks Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Mrs. Alicia Shanks to assist college students who have demonstrated the capacity to become passionate and dedicated teachers. Applicants must be a current college sophomore, junior, or senior seeking a bachelor’s degree in elementary or secondary education. One or more scholarships up to $1,000 each will be given.
Richard Clark Teacher Diversity Scholarship
This scholarship seeks to support black, indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) and/or multilingual students who intend to become teachers. VSAC will hand out a maximum of 6 scholarships in the amount of up to $1,500 for undergraduate freshman/sophomores, up to $2,500 for undergraduate junior/seniors, and up to $3,500 for graduate students.
Virginia, as of 7/25/23
Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program (VTSLP)
The primary purpose of the Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program (VTSLP) is to provide financial support to students who are preparing to teach in one of Virginia’s critical shortage teaching areas. Candidates must be enrolled full-time or part-time in an approved undergraduate or graduate teacher education program and meet criteria and qualifications. Eligible students may receive a scholarship loan for as much as $10,000 per academic year. Upon program completion, the recipients of the VTSL are expected to teach in the public schools in the first full academic year after becoming eligible for a renewable teaching license and shall fulfill the teaching obligation by teaching full-time under contract continuously in Virginia for at least two years in a school division that meets program criteria.
Washington, as of 7/25/23
University of Washington College of Education Scholarships
The University of Washington College of Education has numerous awards and scholarships available for graduate and undergraduate students who are studying education or who are studying to be teachers.
Washington State University College of Education Scholarships
Washington State Educator Workforce Program
The Educator Workforce Program includes options for current teachers, student teachers, paraprofessionals, and non-educators hoping to move into the teaching field. Most are conditional scholarships that encourage individuals to pursue teaching in subjects or locations of high need, also known as “Shortage Areas,” in return for funding received. Conditional scholarship participants must: commit to teach at a Washington K-12 public common school for a specified amount of time.
The Educator Retooling Conditional Scholarship supports Washington State certified educators looking to add a shortage area endorsement to their certificate. Participants are awarded up to $3,000 per endorsement add-on. Participants must fulfill their service obligation to avoid paying back the award. Applications may be submitted on a rolling basis (there is no deadline.)
The Teacher Shortage Conditional Scholarship is designed to provide financial aid to encourage persons to become teachers and to retain these teachers in shortage areas. The program provides funding of up to $8,000 per year for up to four years, toward earning a Washington Residency Teacher Certificate. Award amounts may vary depending upon financial need and funds available.
The Alternative Routes Conditional Scholarship program is designed to provide financial aid to encourage people to become teachers through alternative route teacher certification programs and to retain these teachers in shortage areas. The program provides funding of up to $8,000 per year for up to two years, toward earning a Washington Residency Teacher Certificate. Scholarship award amounts may vary depending upon financial need and funds available.
West Virginia, as of 7/25/23
Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship Program
Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship Program is a student financial aid program designed to enable and encourage students to pursue teaching careers at the pre-school, elementary, middle or secondary school level. Undergraduate scholarships, amounting to $10,000 per year for up to four years, are awarded to graduating high school seniors or recent high school graduates on the basis of academic qualifications, extra-curricular involvement, and interest in teaching. The purpose of the program is to assist West Virginians interested in obtaining a teaching certificate and committed to the pursuit of a teaching career in West Virginia’s public schools. After graduating from college, scholars must commit to teaching in a West Virginia Public School for a period of 5 years in an area of critical need.
Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship Loan Assistance Program
Eligibility for an award is limited to a teacher who has earned a teaching degree and is certified to teach in West Virginia. All award recipients must teach full-time in a West Virginia public school in a subject area or geographical area of critical need for a period of two years for each year for which loan assistance is received. Each award recipient is eligible to receive loan assistance of up to $3,000 annually. No recipient may receive loan assistance in excess of $15,000.
Dr. Joseph C. Basile, II Scholarship
Available to students at any West Virginia college or university who are pursuing a degree in education and demonstrate financial need. Apply here: https://tgkvf.org/scholarship-information/apply-for-scholarships/
Wisconsin, as of 7/24/23
Wisconsin Teacher Loan Program
The Higher Educational Aids Board (HEAB) manages and services the State of Wisconsin Teacher Loan program. The program provides educational loans of up to $10,000 per year. The overall maximum a student can borrow under this program is $30,000. One hundred percent of this loan is forgivable, only if all criteria for forgiveness are met.
Wisconsin Minority Teacher Loan Program
Minority undergraduate sophomores, juniors or seniors enrolled in a teacher licensure program at an independent or University of Wisconsin institution are eligible to receive up to $10,000 per year with an overall maximum amount of $30,000. Following graduation, the recipient must teach in a Wisconsin school district with at least a 40 percent minority enrollment. For each year that participants meet all forgiveness criteria requirements, 25 percent of the loan is forgiven.
Arne Engebretsen Memorial Scholarship for High School Students
WMEF offers a $2,000 scholarship opportunity for a Wisconsin high school senior who plans to major in mathematics education or to have a mathematics concentration at the elementary or middle level
Sister Mary Petronia Van Straten Scholarship for Pre-Service Teachers
WMEF offers a $2,000 scholarship opportunity for Secondary Mathematics Education Majors or Elementary Majors with a concentration in mathematics
Jane Howell Aspiring Educator of Color Fellowship
WMEF currently offers a $2,000 scholarship to a qualified student that identifies as a Student of Color and who is currently enrolled in a Wisconsin university or college, who intends to teach mathematics in a racially diverse environment.
Wyoming, as of 7/24/23
None at this time.
Federal/Nationwide Programs, as of 7/25/23
Federal Loan Forgiveness Programs – Here is a great page that describes these:
Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program
Under the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program, if you teach full-time for five complete and consecutive academic years in a low-income school or educational service agency, and meet other qualifications, you may be eligible for forgiveness of up to $17,500 on your Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans and your Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans.
The TEACH Grant Program provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete course work needed to begin a career in teaching. Contact the financial aid office at the school where you will be enrolled to find out whether the school participates in the TEACH Grant Program and to learn about the programs of study at the school that are TEACH-Grant-eligible.
Perkins Loan Forgiveness
If you have a loan from the Federal Perkins Loan Program you might be eligible for loan cancellation for full-time teaching at a low-income school, for teaching special education, or for teaching in certain subject areas. You can also qualify for deferment for these qualifying teaching services.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
PSLF forgives the remaining balance on your Federal Direct Loans after 120 qualifying payments (estimated over 10 years). Unlike other programs, PSLF does not require you to teach at a low-income public school but only requires that you work for a qualifying employer.
ACS-Hach Second Career Teacher Scholarships
Awarded to working chemists with an interest in pursuing a teaching career at the secondary and postsecondary level.
ACS-Hach Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Scholarships
Awarded to working recent graduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral professionals with limited work experience and an interest pursuing a teaching career at the secondary and postsecondary level.
ACS-Hach Land Grant (Undergraduate) Teacher Scholarship
Undergraduate students selected by partner universities on the basis of their interest in and aptitude for teaching chemistry.
Knowles Teaching Fellows Program
Knowles Fellows may be awarded grants to cover expenses associated with purchasing classroom materials and engaging in professional development. Fellows may choose to use approximately half of their allocated funds for annual stipends. These stipends are intended to help Fellows reduce debts they may have incurred and the financial burden teachers often bear. Stipends can also be used to support Fellows financially during summer months, allowing them to concentrate on reflecting on the past year, preparing for the coming year and professional development, instead of taking on a part-time job. The amount allocated to each Fellow for grants and stipends may change on an annual basis.
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program provides funding to institutions of higher education to provide scholarships, stipends, and programmatic support to recruit and prepare STEM majors and professionals to become K-12 teachers. Scholarship and stipend recipients are required to complete two years of teaching in a high-need school district for each year of support. The program seeks to increase the number of K-12 teachers with strong STEM content knowledge who teach in high-need school districts. In addition, the program supports the recruitment and development of NSF Teaching Fellows who receive salary supplements while fulfilling a 4-year teaching requirement and supports the development of NSF Master Teaching Fellows by providing professional development and salary supplements while they are teaching for five years in a high need school district. A goal of the program is to recruit individuals with strong STEM backgrounds who might otherwise not have considered a career in K-12 teaching. Each project institution accepts its own individual applicants. Use the Noyce website to find an institution near you.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Teachers for America’s Future – Graduate Scholarships
The AFCEA Educational Foundation is offering competitive based scholarships of $2,500 each to students actively pursuing a graduate degree or credential/licensure for the purpose of teaching STEM (science, technology, engineering or math) subjects at a U.S. school in grades K-12. Current credential and licensure students must have completed a bachelor’s of science degree or graduate degree in a STEM major. Expected graduation/completion date cannot be in the year the scholarship is awarded. Undergraduate students are ineligible to apply.
Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teacher Scholarship
One $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually to the education student who best exemplifies the dedication to principle and high professional standards of Carol Applegate, Kay Jackson, and Dr. Anne Parks. Applicants are limited to undergraduate and graduate students majoring in education in institutions of higher learning throughout the United States. This could include a current teacher pursuing an advanced education degree such as a master’s degree through a qualified college, university, or other qualifying educational institution.
Teacher Next Door Program
All classroom teachers, Pre-K through 12, may purchase ANY home on the market through the Teacher Next Door Program. Plus, you are eligible for the Teacher Next Door Grant and additional down payment assistance for teachers. Benefits include: Purchase ANY home on the market, GRANTS up to $4,170.00 ($6,000.00 in some areas), Down Payment Assistance up to $10,681.00, Home loans for teachers
Educators Rising is an initiative of PDK International. One of the many ways that PDK supports Educators Rising and fulfills its vision of cultivating great educators for tomorrow is through the PDK Educational Foundation. One-time and renewable awards range from $500 to $4,000.
Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Physics Teachers
Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible. Successful applicants receive a stipend of up to $3,000 and a complimentary AAPT Student Membership for one year. The scholarship may be granted to an individual for each of four years.
Edward G. and Helen A. Borgens Secondary Teacher Scholarship
The Edward G. and Helen A. Borgens Secondary Teacher Scholarship is a one-time preferred amount of up to $1,500 awarded to one student who is twenty-five (25) years of age or older. Applicants must be studying to teach at the secondary school level. Applicants must have at least a 3.5 GPA, be at least a college sophomore, and attend or plan on attending an accredited college or university.
SPS Future Teacher Scholarship
The Society of Physics Students Future Teacher Scholarship is presented annually to an SPS member who is participating in a teacher education program and who plans to pursue a career in physics education. One $2500 award may be made each year. Awarded to undergraduate students on the basis of scholarship, SPS participation, and teaching experiences and ambitions
Mathematics Graduate Course Work Scholarship
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics provides scholarships of up to $3,200 for full-time classroom teachers working at the required grade level to pursue graduate courses to improve their mathematics content knowledge. Number of awards granted varies.
Study.com Scholarship for Future Teachers
A $1,000 academic award is being offered to any student pursuing their undergraduate or graduate college degree to become a future teacher. Because our mission is to make education accessible, the Study.com Scholarship for Future Teachers was created to help the educators of tomorrow pursue their own education and thus, be able to teach the next generation.