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Register as a GFO Champion

Register as a GFO Champion

This form allows you to register as a Get the Facts Out (GFO) Champion; someone who is actively using the materials and messages from the GFO project locally or nationally. Filling out this form will enable us to connect you to others in your region or discipline, give you credit for your work, and mark your location on our map. Keep in mind that you only need to fill out this form once. After registering as a GFO Champion please log your activities at the GFO Activity Log on the website.

"*" indicates required fields


e.g. website of your teacher preparation program, or physics, chemistry, or mathematics department

Which of the following GFO materials have you used or plan to use?

Student Presentation "Busting Myths About the Teaching Profession"
How many students have you reached with it so far, approximately?
Faculty Presentation/Workshop "Teaching: The Best Kept Secret"
How many faculty have you reached with it so far, approximately?
Research Local Teacher Salary & Retirement Data
Data Handouts
Conversation with a student sharing information from the GFO materials
Conversation with a faculty sharing information from the GFO materials
Customize and use the GFO Flyer template
Share GFO Posters
Share GFO Brochures
Survey instruments (PTaP or PTaP.HE)
Share GFO related content on social media
Are you willing to attend a virtual workshop on GFO resources sometime in the next 60 days?
If so, we can probably set something up!
If you are in a STEM department, what is the highest degree that it offers?
What is the total enrollment of your institution?
Include graduate and undergraduate students.
Is your institution an MSI?
Check all that apply.
Is your Institution:

Is your institution a former Normal School?
What is your College or University Role?

What is your K-12 schools role?

From what groups do you recruit prospective teachers?
Check all that apply.
I am ... (choose all that apply)
I identify as

Newsletter Sign Up
Please check this box if you'd like to receive the Get the Facts Out Newsletter and additional communications from relevant disciplinary societies (approximately one time per month).
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.