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GFO Branding

Recruiting Resources

GFO Branding

This page contains the GFO color palette, Champion badges and logos.

GFO Colors

Primary Palette

These five colors make up the base of GFO materials.

Recruiting Resources

RGB: 0 111 145

HEX: #006f91

Facts and Data

RGB:  43 79 197

HEX: #2a4ebf 

In Your Region

RGB: 37 155 124

HEX: #259b7c 

Get Involved

RGB:  129 72 146 

HEX: #814892


RGB:  239 100 62 

HEX: #ef643e   

Colors with Adequate Contrast

There are two sets of contrasting colors that can be used in conjunction with our primary palette. The first set have high enough contrast to be used on a white background or with white text. The second set has high enough contrast to be used on a dark background or with dark text, specifically the dark blue (RGB: 39 45 65, HEX:#272d41).

Each color block contains the HEX and RGB code and their respective contrast ratio. A ratio of 3:1 or above is ideal.

RGB:  43 79 197

HEX: #2a4ebf

Ratio: 6.94:1

RGB: 0 111 145

HEX: #006f91

Ratio: 5.7:1

RGB:  44 156 193

HEX: #2c9cc1

Ratio: 5.7:1

RGB: 129 72 146

HEX: #814892

Ratio: 6.41:1

RGB: 182 67 137

HEX: #b64389

Ratio: 5.06:1

Background color: RGB(39 45 65)  HEX(#272d41)

RGB: 237 171 168 

HEX: #edaba8 

Ratio: 7.15:1

RGB: 25 188 205 8.41:1

HEX: #19bccd 

Ratio: 8.41:1

RGB: 46 194 157 

HEX: #15A271 

Ratio: 5.93:1

RGB: 111 165 77

HEX: #6fa54d 

Ratio: 4.66:1

RGB: 239 100 62

HEX: #ef643e

Ratio: 4.27:1

RGB: 241 166 83 

HEX: #f1a653 

Ratio: 6.71:1

RGB: 252 214 110 

HEX: #fcd66e

Ratio: 9.74:1

Champion Badges

GFO Champions can show their support & status by using our branded items, such as a badge or email footer. Champion Status is determined by points earned by participating in, engaging with and registering GFO activities, materials and communities. To learn more about how to become a champion and suggested activities, click here.

Once you have reached the necessary point amount, please download your badge! We have multiple sizes available.

Email Logos

Tutorial on adding email logos (pdf) (docx).

GFO Logo

GFO Logo with Text

GFO Logo with Tagline

This set contains a thumbnail, small and full size solid GFO logos, as well as transparent logos with both black and white text.